2 Weeks Left!

We are two weeks away from our mission trip to the DR!

Can you believe it! All the preparation and training your students have done over the last 7 trainings has revealed to us that this is going to be an incredible trip. Please keep praying that the Lord would work in a powerful way in and through your students.

Training - March 19th

Here are some of the things we talked about at our training last night. We hope you have enjoyed following along over the past few weeks!

Here is a sample schedule for their VBS Program in the DR. Students lead the whole event! How exciting!

Student LEader Devotion - Colby West

Colby West led us through a devo about 1 Peter 4. He challenged students that telling people about Jesus doesn’t have to start in the DR… it can happen here in our neighborhoods too! He also gave a challenge to our students to share their testimony/life story with someone at school. We would encourage you, parents, to do the same — and follow up with your students on that challenge.

Dress Code

The next portion of our training was dedicated to having separate time with our guys & girls. We covered a lot of ground in these meetings, including the dress code. Please take a minute to review the dress code with your students.

These students are doing a great job following the dress code!

Courtney Carder